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The Importance of Israeli Advocacy In China 

מאת    [ 02/02/2007 ]

מילים במאמר: 674   [ נצפה 3071 פעמים ]

The Importance of "Hasbara"Advocacy Among the Chinese PeopleChina is emerging as a great power in the world and has global impacts in many areas. Economic globalization is transforming China into the world's main manufacturing center and as an essential trading partner for more and more companies and countries. Since the 1980s, China's economical emergence has been unparalleled both in speed and in size. This had opened up a potentially enormous market, and it is China's interest to associate worldwide companies with its development. This development, for the first time in history, might have a strong influence on Jews and on Israel.         It is required to mention that the Chinese are one quarter of the world's population; therefore efforts to improve the Jew's and Israeli's image among the Chinese are necessary.   What is a "Jew" for the Chinese? What are the main perceptions of Jews and Judaism in China? How is Israel conceived in China?These are some of the questions I will try to discuss in this short essay in order to explain the importance of advocacy in China.  According to Dr. Shalom Salomon Wald, from the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute, "The Chinese can look at Jews with a mindset not conditioned by Christian or Muslim mental baggage. The word Jew ('you tai ren'- ??? in Chinese) has no negative connotation anchored in holy books"[1]. Therefore, Jewish communities flourished in China from the 12th century to the 20th century, in places like Kaifeng, Harbin, Shanghai and many others. Even today, Jews who were born in China keep close relations with Chinese officials and even formed an Association of Former Jewish Residents in China, in order to preserve the history and memories of the flourishing Jewish communities in China[2]. The Chinese see the Jewish history as a reflection of their own. China's continuity is based on spiritual memory, language and written word, and therefore it is said that only the Jewish tradition may present a significant parallel to this continuity, which is now becoming a great research item both for Chinese and Jewish scholars. Many Chinese have an image of Jews as successful, wealthy, and influential. Moreover, the Chinese are aware of the great contribution of Jews to the western world, and their accomplishments; Einstein is a much quoted name. The "Holocaust" is also known in China and from the Chinese point of view; there is a similarity between the Jewish Holocaust and the Japanese aggression in China during 1937-1945. The role of Israel, as the Jewish state, is significant and has great influence on how the Jews are perceived by the Chinese people. The official diplomatic relationships between China and Israel were established in 1992, and are mainly based on military, agriculture, academic and cultural fields. China is showing a great appreciation for Israel's technological edge. According to a survey conducted by the JPPPI[3], many students in China, who were asked whether they separate Israeli politics from the Jewish people, replied that they do not. That answer implies that the Chinese don't know enough about the Jewish history, culture, religion and about the state of Israel.  Therefore, I believe it is our interest to change this misconception. The Chinese government circles are not necessarily sharing one opinion about Israel, and the statements concerning the Arab-Israel relationship are mainly supporting the Arab or Palestinian side. China's one-sided presentation of the "Intifada" and the Israel-Palestine dispute in the media has damaged Israel's reputation, and it might also affect the Jewish people as a whole. With an enormous number of citizens in China, we must consider how we can improve our image as Jews in general or as Israelis in particular."Hasbara"Advocacy in China is very important and we must do all we can to promote it. This might change their conceptions and understanding of our small but unique and influential nation. www.israel-eastasia.com [1] Shalom Salomon Wald, "China And The Jewish People-Old Civilizations In A New Era", The Jewish People Policy Planning Institute,(November 2004), page 9    [2] Association of Former Jewish Residents in China- www.jewsofchina.org  [3] The Jewish People Policy Planning Institute- www.jpppi.org.il
ניר שאולסקי, בן 27, מייסד ארגון הסטודנטים ישראל-מזרח אסיה באוניברסיטת תל אביב.
ארגון הסטודנטים ישראל-מזרח אסיה הוקם במאי 2005 באוניברסיטת תל אביב מתוך רצון לגשר על הפערים התרבותיים שקיימים בין מדינות מזרח אסיה לישראל על מנת לקדם את תחום ההסברה של ישראל מול סטודנטים ממזרח אסיה באופן בלתי אמצעי.

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